Thursday, May 24, 2012

Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley is an area in San Francisco where there are a large amount of computer companies. The name "silicon valley" was given to it because computers use lots of silicon in the cards and chips. The "valley" comes from the location because it is located in Santa Clara Valley. There are many companies there such as Apple, Youtube, Facebook, Google and much more. It is a large headquarters for high tech innovation and a large source for well known Internet websites.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Silicon Valley

By: starr ;D

The Silicon Valley, found to be much like Las Vegas, Nevada. Valley refers to the Santa Clara Valley, located at the southern end of San Francisco Bay, while Silicon refers to the high concentration of companies involved in the semi conductor (silicon is used to create most semiconductors commercially) and computer industries that were concentrated in the area. These firms slowly replaced the orchards which gave the area its initial nickname, the Valley of Heart's Delight. Silicon Valley is producing huge outcomes, raising huge money, and essentially knocking the cover off the ball. It has even become a new rival of actual competition for Seattle, who say they admire how much optimism and ambition the people there have in their search to create.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley is the southwest region of San Francisco, which is known for containing an unusually high amount of computer companies. In this region lies factories that mass produce silicon chips, which are used in virtually every computer, or software device.

Companies that can be found in Silicon Valley are:
  • Adobe Systems
  • Apple Inc.
  • eBay
  • Google
  • Intel
  • Nvidia
  • SanDisk
  • Symantec
  • Yahoo!

There are much more companies than the ones stated above. The ones stated above are the more famous companies that are located in Silicon Valley.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Posted by Marcus Leno

Silicon Valley located in the southern San Francisco Bay area of California. The semiconductor chip making industry has greatly improved production in the city of California, thus giving it the name Silicon Valley. The industry uses silicon as its main raw material to build the semiconductor chips and that is why the city was given the name Silicon Valley, due to the production of semiconductor chips and silicon. Silicon Valley derive it's name from the raw material silicon and was given the   name in 1971 so it has been called Silicon Valley for 41 years. Silicon Valley has been the main production trademark for technology and super computer chips and will continue to flourish in the job market.

Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley is located in the San Fransico Bay Area in California. Silicon Valley got its name for being a high technology producing area. Ralph Vaerst was an entrepreneur and thought of the name but Don Hoelfer first published it in the Electronic News newspaper. It has been known as Silicon Valley for 41 years. The importance of Silicon Valley lies in its production of technology. There are over 10,000 companies running in the area. All the companies provide many jobs for people. Silicon Valley is a trademark, a technology super-power, and a flourishing job market.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Facebook Buys Instagram for $1 Billion

Facebook just recently bought an app called "Instagram" that allows the user to alter their photos uploaded onto Facebook. With over one million downloads already, the app has been pretty successful. The big question is why Facebook would spend so much on a product that will give no profit. The app was originally close to $2 billion, so the deal was a breakthrough. Also, with the rising competition of users on other social networks (such as Twitter), Instagram could get more people to join Facebook, and is an extra app for current users to enjoy. More advertisements could be made because of Instagram, and although the cost was a huge blow to the company, Mark Zuckerburg (founder of Facebook), believes this will be a breakthrough for Facebook. With billions of users already, Facebook is steadily edging its way up into insurmountable amounts of profit.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley is located in the southern San Francisco Bay area. Silicon Valley is called this because Silicon Valley is the home to the semiconductor chip making industry. The industry uses silicon as its main raw material. This prompted a newspaper reporter to call it Silicon Valley. Silicon Valley got its name in 1971 so it has been called Silicon Valley for 41 years. Silicon Valley is important because it is the home to many of the world's largest technology corporations.

post by Matthew Hinojos
Silicon Valley is home of 40 different cities in the southern San Francisco bay area. It is called Silicon Valley because of the silicon that is found their, and is the home of the semiconductor chip industry in the world. It has been called Silicon Valley ever since January 11,1971.  The thing that makes Silicon Valley so important is the revolution that changed in technology, and the discoveries they had found there. Bill Gates build his first computer in Silicon Valley.
By: Jeremy Vandever

Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley lies in the southern San Francisco Bay Area, and houses many technology corporations. The area is called Silicon Valley because the fine sand called silicon used to create the computer chips used in the making of their computers and other devices. The following popular companies all have headquarters in Silicon Valley: EBay, Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, Adobe, Electronic Arts (EA), PayPal, Intuit, Visa and Netflix; just to name a few. It began to be known Silicon Valley when news reported referred to in as so and the name stuck. Silicon Valley has contributed extraordinarily to the technological world and plays a major role in the job market and economy of the United States. 

Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley is south of the San Francisco Bay in Northern California. Silicon Valley happens to be an area with some of the world's biggest technology corporations. Ralph Vaerst was a Central California entrepreneur and he was the first person to come up with the term "Silicon Valley". Don Hoelfer was a friend of his and first published the term in the 'Electronic News' on January 11th, 1971( The name has been in use for 41 years. Silicon Valley produces electronics, semiconductors, computer hardware, software, biotechnology, Internet, and a new addition called cleantech. The valley is home to about 10,000 companies and one million workers. This area is flush with opportunities. Many top colleges such as Standford and Berkeley which attract many people with high intellect. Without Silicon Valley we would not have as much technological production or such a florishing job market in the area (

Q & A of Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley is located in the San Francisco Bay area over 40 cities. San Jose, Santa Clara,San Mateo, Santa Cruz. Silicon Valley the original home to a semiconductor chip silicon is fine sand as its basic raw materials. It has been known as Silicon Valley since the early twentieth century. Silicon Valley is refered to as the southern part of San Francisco Bay in the northern part of California. Bill Gates first got interested in software and began programing computers at the young age of thirteen. Wow needless to say this was rather interesting to research and find out about in my opinion.

Why Did Facebook Buy Instagram for $1 Billion??
Online PR

     Though instagram has never made a cent facebook insisted on buying the app that many people in the world use. Not only did they buy the app but they spent a wopping $1billion dollars on the app itself. Why would facebook want to spend so much money on this app? I think because many people post pictures to facebook and since instagram is like a mini photoshop all people can alter their photos the way they want in any type of color or graphic.Another reason can be for small businesses, with instagram small businesses can debut their new advertisements through  instagram quicker and better then before. Therefor facebook is more then likely trying to reach out more to small companies then to anyone else. Though many people do not like that facebook has bought this app its happened and I don't think facebook is going to change it.

Here is Why Facebook Bought Bought Instagram

Facebook has acquired Instagram for nearly a billion dollars in cash and in stock. Before Instagram reached a Android app it had reached nearly 30 million users. Mark Zuckerberg, Facebooks founder stated "This is an important milestone for Facebook because its the first time we've ever acquired a product and company with so many users." He had also said that he is not planning on doing many more of these. The whole reason Facebok bought Instagram was because they didn't want to loose their users for a picture app. Due to the fact Facebook is all about pictures they had a big competition when Instagram came.

Silicon Valley Information

Silicon Valley is the southern area of San Francisco, which is located in northern California. Silicon Valley earned its name because it was the original home of the semiconductor chip making industry which uses a fine sand known as Silicon as raw materials. Silicon Valley received its name when a newspaper article used the phrase in a series of articles in 1971. Valley came from the fact that they were located in Santa Clara Valley and Silicon was because of the fact that the semiconductor chip production industry used the fine sand as raw material for making their product. Silicon Valley is important because it is the location of various headquarters for major Internet corporations.
Information from:

Facebook buying Instagram for $1 billion in cash and stock

By Jessica Guynn

Facebook has recently just done one of the biggest moves of the year, it has agreed to buy Instagram for $1 Billion in cash and stock. The move was announced Monday on an Internet post, that has already gotten its fair share of likes. It was also hinted that this might be the last big move for Facebook buying another big company. This move was pushed by Facebook because they wanted to help Facebook's unique photo-sharing experience, get even better by a adding a program that can allow an average person to feel and edit photos like a photo taking expert.,0,6836152.story

Facebook Buying Out Instagram For $! Billion?
by Paul Sloan

So lately Facebook has been top of the charts most talked about topic. Why? because Facebook has became so popular not only for people nation wide but for popular music artists and new up coming artists. Well the latest on Facebook says Paul Sloan from CNET news blog states that facebook bought $1 billion dollar program Instagram for the site to create and make pictures look good. Originally Systrom had asked for $2 billion, according to the Journal and Zuckerberg negotiated with him by suggesting he look at the value of the deal as a percentage of Facebook's value.

"Silicon Valley"

Silicon Valley History
Gregory Gromov

"Silicon Valley" is located in the San Fransisco Bay Area in northern California. The Santa Cruz Mountains are to the west of "Silicon Valley" and to the southeast is the Coast Range. Since 1971, the area has been called "Silicon Valley" as a way to represent the large amounts of technological companies that were being created in Santa Clara county. "Silicon Valley" is important to the economy of the United States and the progression of technology within the nation. "Silicon Valley" is one of the largest areas available for technological advances.

Posted by Megan Henderson

Where is Silicon Valley and how did it get its name?

Silicon Valley is a part of the San Fransico Bay Area and is made up of over 40 cities. Some of these cities include San Jose, Belmont, Santa Clara, and Fremont. Silicon Valley got its name from a newspaper writer. The reason for this is because Silicon Valley is the birth place of the semiconductor chip. To build the chip, companies have to use silicon which is a fine sand.
Silicon Valley has held its name since 1971, which is about 41 years. Don Hoefler was the one who coined the nickname "Silicon Valley." The reason Silicon Valley is so important is because of the major companies that are in Silicon Valley. Some of the companies include Apple, Google, AMD, and Yahoo.

Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley is located in the Northern part of California and in the southern reaches of the San Francisco Bay Area. The reason that Silicon Valley is named what it is because in the area there are companies that produce computer chips made out of silicon, which is a very fine sand. On January 11, 1971, Silicon Valley got its name from the articles written about the area in a news paper named Electronic News. The importance of Silicon Valley is all of the modern technology companies that call Silicon Valley home. The companies include but are not limited to Facebook, Ebay, Twitter, San disk, Google and many more that make this world the most technologically advanced as it can get.

Silicon Valley History
by Gregory Gromov

Silicon Valley is a region that extends south from the San Francisco Bay down to densely populated San Jose. Many other cities are encompassed within this region that covers four California counties including Fremont, Santa Clara, Sunnyvale, and Belmont. The region first acquired its well known name from a series of articles written by Don Hoefler of ELECTRONIC NEWS back in 1971. The region has held this name for approximately 41 years. Silicon is a fundamental component of computers, so the name is actually quite uncanny and has gained global recognition.
Considering the major corporations that have taken up residence in the valley, how can it not be a region of vital importance? It is arguably the electronics mecca of the world, housing the headquarters of companies such as Nvidia, AMD, Apple, Google, Intel, Yahoo, and eBay. Countless breakthroughs in technology and new methods of communication are the result of work and innovation from development in this particular region.

Stephen Montano

Silicon Valley?

By Aris Brown

Silicon Valley refers to the Southern part of the San Fransico Bay Area. The term silicon valley represents all of the high-tech companies that manufacture and innovate silicon chips, but came to refer to all of the high-tech businesses in the area. Silicon Valley has had this name since the early twentieth century. Silicon Valley is the leading innovater of radio, television, and military electronics. Many companies that call Silicon Valley home are powerhouses such as Facebook, Youtube, eBay, and Apple Inc. Without Silicon Valley todays modern technologies may not have been invented making this place one of major importance.

Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley is located on the southern part of San Francisco Bay Area in northern California. This region holds many of the world's largest technology corporations.The term Silicon comes from the large numbers of silicon chip inivaters and manufactures.Valley comes from the Santa Clara Valley which is located at the southern end of San Francisco Bay, given the name Silicon Valley and has been called that for 41 years. Silicon Valley made the world's first microprocessor named the Intell 4004 in 1971. The importance of Silicon Valley is the chips it makes and is a major technology corporation holder.

Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley is located south of the San Francisco Bay Area. It crosses four counties: from San Mateo to Gilmore, Fremont, Scotts Valley, and beyond. There are forty cities in Silicon Valley.
Silicon Valley is the home of semiconductor chips manufacturers. Semiconductor chips are made of silicon, which is composed of fine sand. A newspaper nicknamed the region "Silicon Valley" because it is the heart of technological development.
Forty-one years ago, in 1971, it earned its nickname.
Technology that is either enviromentally friendly or new originates in Silicon Valley. At least one component of everything computerized  has come from there. This makes it the central location for all technology. 

Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley is located in western California, southeast of San Francisco Bay Area in Northern California in the United States. This area is home to many technology corporations. The name "Silicon" is referred to the territory's large number of silicon chip manufacturers. Silicon Valley has been the leading center of high-tech advancement. On November 5, 1971 Don Hoefler was creating the world's first microprocessor: the Intel 4004 when he first used the phrase "Silicon Valley" to describe the organization of electronics steady growing in the Santa Clara County. He is the person who put the whole idea of Silicon Valley being thought of as a collection of "character sand eccentrics." The importance of Silicon Valley is that the silicon-based integrated circuit, the micro compressor and the microcomputer were developed. Silicon Valley was formed as a site for new technological knowledge; where skilled engineers and scientists from major universities in the area are present. In the San Francisco Bay Area where Silicon Valley is located, this has been a major site for United States Navy research and technology.

Shantell Saavedra
Silicon Valley is located, in the northern part of the Santa Clara Valley, which is directly south of the San Francisco Bay. Silicon Valley gets the name from the silicon chips that are manufactured in the area, then later, shipped nationally. Silicon Valley has had that name since, 1971,(39 yrs). Silicon Valley is important because of the chips they used to manufacture, which was a good buisness, but slowly died down. by; steve kobbs

Silicon Valley

Silicon valley is the Valley of Hearts Delight. Silicon Valley is the home to 40 cities in the south San Francisco Bay Area that crosses four countries such as, from San Mateo to Gilroy, Fremont to Scott's Valley. Silicon Valley is the 10th largest city which includes San Jose and cities small and large in Santa Cruz, San Mateo, and Santa Clara. Silicon Valley got it's name because it originally cited to the regions large silicon chip.innovators produce, but eventually became the high tech businesses in that area. Silicon Valley is to be the leading high tech hub because of its large amount of engineers.
Silicon Valley was first used in 1971 with "silicon" referring to the material used to make computer chips. 
Silicon Valley is important because its home of the big technology buildings, its also important because of the high-tech organizations.

Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley is in California. Located in San Francisco, it is called Silicon Valley because "silicon" has to do with the high concentration of businesses that manufacture semiconductors. The "valley" refers to the Santa Clara Valley, which is located at the southern end of San Francisco bay. It has been called Silicon Valley for 41 years. A company in the Silicon Valley made the World's first microprocessor named the Intel 4004 in 1971. Silicon valley is known for innovation in software and Internet.

Silicon Valley

Silicon valley is located in the northern part of the San Francisco bay area of California. It is called Silicon valley because a man named  Don Hoefler  wrote for ELECTRONIC NEWS, a weekly tabloid, to describe the technologies being invented there. Silicon Valley has been named that term for about 41 years in 2012. Silicon Valley is important because it was the birthplace of the internet and the first microprocessor.
Facebook Bought Instagram!

Posted by: Om Malik

Facebook bought instagram for nearly a billion dollars in their stock and cash. A few week's ago it was valued to be $500 million dollars, and a few months ago the value for it was around $300 million dollars, and just over a year ago it was valued at an estimate of $100 million dollars. This rising of value in the company was very reflective on the growing of the audience as it has been garnering, despite it only being on the iPhone. The company had reached around 30 million people that were registered before releasing a new Android app, this had been a very big success for the company. The real reason is why did Facebook buy instagram? The real reason why the company did was because, it was an important milestone for Facebook because it was the first-time that they ever acquired a company with so many users. They provide the best in photo sharing experience, and that is the reason why so many people like to use Facebook in their daily lives, and that's the reason why it also brought those two companies together.

For more information please visit:

Silicon Valley History

By Gregory Gromov

"Silicon Valley" is located in the San Francisco Bay in California. It is called "Silicon Valley" because of silicon chip innovators and manufacturers. It now represents the high-tech companies there. It has been called "Silicon Valley" since 1971 by Dan Hoeffer who first used the phrase in the "Electric News" tabloid. This area is important because it is where high-tech innovation is still one of the leading developing investments in the U.S. In this area one can expect higher home prices, many languages spoken, and an unreliable availibility of work. I don't know about this area, but I would love to take a peek at all the mysterious wonders it might hold.

Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley is in the southern part of the San Fransisco Bay area in the North part of California. It is called Silicon Valley becasuse during the Microcomputer Revolution of the 1970s, silicon was used as a component in computer chips. The area was first called this in 1971 by Donald Hoefler. What is so important about Silicon Valley is it is the location of many American companies that specialize in computers and technology. These companies include Apple, Ebay, Google, Facebook, and other companies. Bill Gates didn't build a computer, he wrote a computer language for computers. His first language he wrote was MS-BASIC for the computer company Altair in Albuquerque, New Mexico, which is where he co-founded Microsoft.

Posted By Robert Vandiver

Facebook buying Instagram

Recently, Facebook bought Instagram for $1 billion.   Instagram has a mere 13 employees.  This begs the question: Why did Facebook buy Instagram? Facebook is a very popular social networking site with over 845 million users.  On Facebook, one sees many advertisements, which means that Facebook's main source of revenue is from advertising.  However, to generate revenue from these advertisements Facebook has to attract users.  Upon attracting new users, Facebook makes money when users view and click on the advertisements.  This means that the more users Facebook has, the more profit they can potentially earn.  In an attempt to maximize the number of users, Facebook bought Instagram.   When Facebook bought Instagram it attracted many people, especially considering that Istagram has 31 million users itself. The widespread news coverage of Facebook's buyout of Instagram probably attracted more users to Facebook simply through increased publicity. Even this post  generated more publicity for the buyout.  Facebook is currently in the progress of attracting new customers and until this story is "old news" we can't know the increase in number of people.


Where is Silicon Valley and how did it get its name?

Silicon Valley is a place that is located in the southwest edge of the San Francisco Bay area in California. It is the place where the original semiconductor chip making industry was located. With silicon as there raw material, a newspaper writer gave the place its name, "Silicon Valley", but it wasn't always called Silicon Valley. Before the name was given, in 1956 the area was originally called "Valley of Heart's Delight". For 41 years now, the name "Silicon Valley" is still sticking. Silicon Valley is an important place because it is the place where electronics are developed such as mobile phones, medical equipment, and other electronics used in everyday life. It is also home to many major companies such as Apple, San Disk, Facebook, Google, Ebay, and Twitter. You could say that the place is pretty popular. It is the place where there is power. So remember the name Silicon Valley.

What you should know: Bill gates didn't make a computer, but he did make an operating system and application software that did make the computer work.

Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley is in the southern part of the San Francisco Bay area in Northern California. It includes the cities San Jose, Pablo Alto, Mountain View, Sunnyvale, Fremont, and Milpitas. The reason it is called Silicon Valley is because it had a large amount of silicon chip manufacturer and innovators. The name Silicon Valley was made by Don Hoefler. Don used the term Silicon Valley in a weekly trade newspaper called Electronic News. The series of articles "Silicon Valley in the USA," was released in January, 11, 1971. The valley part of the name comes from Santa Clara valley, in the southern end of San Fransisco Bay. Silicon just comes from the high amount of Silicon conductors made there. Silicon Valley is important to us because of all the companies that have their headquarters there from people who create semiconductors, to the people who create hardware, and even the headquarters of Facebook and Ebay are stationed there. So if there where no Silicon Valley we may not have those... or we would and they would just be stationed somewhere else.

Why Facebook Bought Instagram

Instagram, a highly growing application that allows users to share photos, was bought by Facebook for a whopping $1 billion. There are many theories to why Zuckerberg decided to buy out this non-profit organization. The main theory of why Facebook did this was to attract the many people already on Instagram and buy them out before another competitor such as Google or Twitter took action. This app once served as a threat to the Facebook app on mobile devices. Thirty million people use Instagram on iOS devices, and more than a million on Android devices. The companies' great increase in popularity was just something that one of the most widely used websites on the Internet (Facebook) could not pass up. (Information received from written by William Wei)

By Devin Lowther

Why did Facebook buy Instagram?
By Peter Suciu

"This isn't about being a loose cannon as much as it is about guarding the flanks," says Scott Steinberg. Mark Zuckerberg decided to buy Facebook to have something else he could keep control of before it became the "next big thing." Instagram has demographics which make it easier for an average person act like a photographer. This reaches out to the "younger crowd." Facebook is trying to keep younger users from switching to other new social sites. They needed to buy Instagram before anyone else got to it.

Silicon Valley
Silicon Valley is located in the Bay Area. Where is this? The Bay Area is in the southern part of San Francisco, California, USA. "Silicon Valley radiates outward from Stanford University -- to the adjacent cities of Palo Alto and Menlo Park; Northwest to Redwood City, and San Carlos; Southeast to Los Altos, Mountain View, Sunnyvale, Cupertino, Santa Clara, Campbell and San Jose; and has expanded to Alviso, Milpitas and Morgan Hill" said Carolym Tajnai. Silicon Valley was originally named for its large number of silicon chip innovators and manufacturers. Now Silicon Valley produces more than silicon chips, being the leading center for high-tech innovations and developments in technology. The first time that Santa Clara county was called "Silicon Valley" was in 1971 by Don Hoefler because of the "electronic firms mushrooming" in the Bay Area. The biggest advancement that was made in technology was the worlds first microprocessor: the Intel 4004, which was completed on November 15, 1971. This lead to Hoefler's dubbing it Silicon Valley. Many things have happened in Silicon Valley: for example Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniac created the first Apple computer in their garage in Silicon Valley; the World Wide Web was thought of and created here; the first iPhone was created here. Why is it so important? One reason is due to all the technological advancements made here and the great lump sum of cash that Stanford University earn from owning the property and research facilities in which much of Silicon Valley's technological advancements are made.

Digress time: did you know that Bill Gates made his first minicomputer in Albuquerque, New Mexico about the same time Steve Jobs built his computer in Silicon Valley? Super cool.

Silicon Valley

Silicon Valley is in the southern part of the San Francisco Bay Area in Northern California. It is called Silicon Valley because the industry uses silicon to make semiconductor chips. It has been called Silicon Valley for 41 years, starting 1971. Silicon Valley is important because it's the the most productive high-tech area, leading the U.S. in experimenting and developing technolgy.

Bill Gates built his first computer in Albuquerque.

Why did Facebook buy Instagram?

By Om Malik

Mark Zuckerberg decided to go out and spend an awesome amount of cash on a company called Instagram. Instagram is a company that shares photos and other media among phones. It started small but it gained a huge number of users very quickly and it was valued at $100 million dollars about a year ago. While Mark may argue that he bought the company to "bring these two companies together," but it is obvious he bought it so Instagram has no chance of becoming more popular in the future. It is a brilliantly stupid plan, I would say. Read more in the link below.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Android Problems

Apps that are installed on the Apple and the Google android are being invaded. Users' that have their private photos and contacts on their app are being invaded, without the customers approval. The apps on the IPhone could gain access to someones private photos and collections. Without their approval it just consequently post them online for everyone to see. The same thing is going on with the Google Android. The Google Android and Apple's terms of service has been violated by these apps that slurp personal data, without the permission of the owner. People are unclear on how those terms of service are being enforced and monitored.
Jeremy Vandever

Apple Factory Conditions In China

The conditions in an Apple facotorys in China is very bad. The works who work at Apple live in a dorm with seven other strangers that do the same work six days out of the week. They had 18 suicides that took place with their employes. Most of the workers who work here are mostly teenagers from the ages 17-18 years old. The teenagers that work there come from the country side and are far away from home. The workers all have the same complaint about how much they get paid. With the money that get from work they can't survie or live with their own children. Most workers can't even afford an Apple device or know how it works.
By:Jeremy Vandever

Why Facebook Bought Instagram lol

Intagram along with Facebook are both widely used mass media outlets. Facebook bought Intagram for nearly one billion dollars in cash and stock. This was double the amount of Intagram's origional market value earlier this year which was an estimate of nearly five hundred thousand dollars. Facebook's founder, Mark Zuckerberg says the reason for the purchase was to provide the best photo sharing that they cawn offer in the mass media world. Since both of the company are widely used, there may be a chance for future prospect. Which initially means an increase in revenue.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Apple Said to Be Considering 14-inch MacBook Air,14861.html

     Though the new apple laptop came out and was the 13 inch air laptop, apple thinks they may want to make another. This laptop will be the 14 inch, and though you may be thinking that its a little stupid that apple just came out with a laptop that is 13inch and now another that is 14inch but this laptop is now what asians use more often. Bringing a larger variety of laptops that people will be able to choose from at any time. Since the laptop will be bigger it may be easier to watcgh videos aswell so that you dont have to go home.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Student Loan Debt: $1 Trillion and Counting

     Not just me but many students would like to be able to go to college without having to worry about that large debt that comes with the knowledge. Many of the students are stuck with almost $25,000 in debt. These overwhelming money loans are not just from the school but are also from private loans thats students take out that they may not be able to pay back. This could be mainly because students that barrow the money dont have a job to pay it back to the school. Should the students get in trouble for this? I believe partially, yes. Students should be aware of what they are barrowing and how they can pay it back instead of just taking taking taking. A job will do well in the long run because you can pay for your loans in time periods. A person wanting a degree should always think about the cost in getting the degree instead of just the cost of living.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Apple Factory Conditions in China 'way above' the Norm: Agency

Following the reports of workers' suicides at Apple inc, The Fair Labor Association (FLA) is beginning a study of its working conditions. President of the FLA didn't offer any conclusions yet but commented that monotony, boredom, and alienation could have had an impact on the workers' taking their lives. He also mentioned that many of the workers leave their families, which can also have a major impact on the suicides. As of now, the FLA believes that it would be a good idea for some type of program to provide emotional support. Other than that, the FLA were very impressed with the factory they inspected.
(from, written by Terril Jones)

By: Devin Lowther

Friday, March 16, 2012


A monkey is a primate of the Haplorrhini suborder and simian infraorder, either an Old World monkey or a New World monkey, but excluding apes. There are about 260 known living species of monkey. Many are arboreal, although there are species that live primarily on the ground, such asbaboons. Monkeys are generally considered to be intelligent. Unlike apes, monkeys usually have tails. Tailless monkeys may be called "apes", incorrectly according to modern usage; thus the tailless Barbary macaque is called the "Barbary ape"



Thursday, March 15, 2012

Corrupted Apple Factories in China

Posted by Marcus L.

Many of the apple factories in china have been corrupted and the workers are forced to work in the fierce conditions that plague the factories. Some of the workers are even young adults that are at the age of 15, and even maybe younger than that. There have been about 18 suicides that occurred at the factories and there still might be people willing to commit suicide. The harsh conditions that the people have to endure at factories are pushing them to the edge until they start committing suicide. The factories need to change their policy and working conditions for their workers or other wise, things will get even worse than they are now.

If Twitter Is a Work Necessity

Social networking is one of the most important things to have when you have a job that deals with communicating. Social networking is a way for other people to recognize you and what you do well on to and what you don’t do well on to. Social website such as Twitter, Facebook and MySpace can provide you information about where you think you can fit in to. There are a lot of schools that offers you an education in digital media like Social Media skills, Web Design and Digital Journalism. It is necessary to have social networking skill so that you won’t get left out and it gives you information about the place you want to go to work to.

Apple factory conditions in China ‘way above’ the norm: agency

In Beijing, China an Apple factory is pushing the limits of employee safety and working conditions. Apple Inc.’s factory in China has several reports of harsh and unsafe working conditions. The Fair Labor Association (FLA) has initiated additional investigation of the factory’s alleged imperfections. Apple has put out several reports of employee suicide due to the tedious and stressful work they must complete in numerous Apple factories across China.
              The president of the FLA, Auret van Heerden, has determined that the reasoning behind the suicides is unknown, but hypothesizes that it is the result of boredom and isolation the workers face. Along with the boredom and isolation, they must also deal with factory explosions. In May of 2011 there was an explosion in Apple’s Foxconn factory in Chengdu, China.  It tore through walls and sent smoke clouding the sky. The explosion occurred in the region of the factory where the iPads are polished. Two people were killed instantly and over a dozen others were injured.

by: Terril Yue Jones

Apple Manufacturing Plant Workers Complain of Long Hours, Militant Culture

Chi-Chi Zhang

Working conditions at the Apple Company in China are very poor. The workers are forced to do things such as placing over 4,000 stickers onto iPad screens every day by hand and working over 60 hours a week. Benefits such as sick leaves are only available for senior members of the Foxconn factory, and most of the other workers are forced to work overtime on a daily basis. One worker was quoted saying “they use women as men and men as machines” when they were asked to describe the working conditions at the company. The action of a worker speaking out about the negativity of their job is very rare. The leaders of Foxconn run the company in such a way that their workers are to obey everything they are told and they will not challenge their superior’s authority. Workers either obey the orders or they are forced to leave. Despite the obvious evidence supporting the negativity and cruelty of these working conditions, Foxconn recently defended themselves, saying they provide great benefits and working conditions.

Posted by Megan Henderson

An Apple a Day Keeps the Morals Away

The revolutionary iPad, iPhone, iPod! It's all so great! Have you thought who makes your so amazing technology? Well, in China there are several Apple factories(Foxconn factories). You hear of the bowling allies and other recreational activities for the workers at the factories, but do they get to use all that when they are forced to work 98 hours of overtime a month? Mind you, the legal limit is 36 hours a month. Evidence of under aged workers has been found and that workers are sharing a room with at least 8 other people. If you go to a factory you will see suicide nets around the building. That isn't very reassuring is it? At least 14 people had killed themselves in the last 16 months! Now they are having their workers sign a suicide pledge! This is a few of the working conditions the people who make are precious Apple technology go through. While you're buying a 500 dollar iPad, remember the people who make it for you would have to work at least two months to buy the cheapest iPad.

Apple factory conditions in China ‘way above’ the norm: agency

By Terril Yue Jones
This is a topic that many people are interested in and wondering about, so I will do my best to show you what all happens in these Chinese Apple factories.

The Fair Labor Association (FLA)has been investigating the Apple company"s factories in China for some time now. The worst factory in China according to the (FLA) is Foxconn because there a been a deadly explosion and also several suicides at the factory since the 1990s. Since January of last year there have been ten suicides of young people who have jumped from the top of the factories' roofs. Although the FLA and even the CEO of Apple, Steve Jobs, said that the factory is very nice and probably one of the nicest factory's in China it has restraunts, a hospital,swimming pools, and a lot of other nice things. But there are other inspections that say that workers are sometimes forced to work sevens days a week and are sometimes abused at the work place. I hope that I answered any questions you may have about these Chinese Apple factories.

By Isaac Ramirez

Jobs using social networks

Today most of the population uses social networks such as "Facebook" and "Twitter" to interact with each other through these social networks. Businesses are growing in today's world and they use these social networks to advertise them because they know most of the people today use them,so its a good way for them to advertise and get more customers.Companies today pay people to work for them by using "Facebook" or "Twitter to advertise them so when you like something for any business your making somebody money.

Social Networks at Work

Today much of the population interacts with each together through social networks. Did you know that businesses, singers and actors make a profile on these to advertise themselves. Well it's true, A very large audience is contained in these networks. Some companies will hire people just to work on their Twitter or Facebook pages. You may not know or notice it but when you like someone on Facebook or follow someone on Twitter, you could be making them more money.

Apple Working Condition in China

There have been many rumors going on for awhile that Foxconn, who makes the electronic parts for Apple such as the iPad, is using as much of the employees as they possibly can. Their have been reports that Foxconn is treated like a military branch instead of the company it says it is, there have also been some employees that have committed suicide because of the stress that they're put through. Foxconn has even had to put nets outside their building to keep employees from jumping. Apple is checking up on those hazardous places working with companies in China to have at least two of those places in China checked.

Apple factory conditions in China ‘way above’ the norm: agency and In China, Human Costs Are Built Into an iPad

By: Terril Yue Jones and Charles Duhigg and David Barboza respectively

According to inspections by the Fair Labor Association Apple factories in China have ideal working conditions except for the lack of emotional support for those who have left their families for the first time. Suicides, injuries and reports that workers work more than 60 hours a week have all been dismissed. The official position is that there are to be no immediate conclusions on the working conditions. I disagree, the inspections and studies have all been done by "inside" companies and the whole idea practically reeks of a cover up. Naturally opinions like this have been dismissed as sheer nonsense. Reports have been made that workers feel threatened with losing their jobs if they do not comply with the companies policies like "Work hard on the job today or work hard tomorrow finding a job." While Apple is not the only company using methods such as these to coerce their workers it does not make it right. Everything is about production and profit and the sad truth of the matter is so long as there is a demand for new products and more money change will be a long time in coming.

Apple Factory Conditions In China

Chinese manufacturing plants that produce Apple products is said to be better than most manufacturing plants worldwide. Why would workers be unhappy? In the passing years there have been worker suicides, unfair working conditions almost slave-like along with a factory explosion.
No answer to these occurrences have been made just theories. Such as the workers suffered from boredom and isolation from others that it built stress and then the action of suicide occurred. Even with high class workspace, there is something lingering amongst the Apple manufacturing plants located in China. That may be an answer that will never hold a conclusion.

Apple factory conditions in China ‘way above’ the norm: agency

Recently Apple factories in China have been out of control. The reason for this is there has been numerous accounts of Chinese factory workers commiting suicide. There has also been a plant explosion which cause some deaths. It is believed that Apple has been dealing with suicides in Chinese factories since 1990. Apples former CEO Steve Jobs said that the suicides were troubling but insised that it is not a sweatshop. Steve Jobs passed away on October 5, 2011.

Jobs Require Skills In Social Networking

Today, our economy hasn't performed at its best. The econonmy has been so bad that some people cannot find jobs, which is very frustrating. The New York Times published an article about the fact that employers require employees to have skills in social networking, such as Facebook and Twitter. The article explains how Eileen McMaster shut down her fashion line but later found that she remained jobless and did not have any experience with social networking. When she went back to school she learned that many people were taught and required to update their timelines on Facebook and tweet on Twitter. She says that back when she was in school, none of this was required but now it is. This means that the workforce requires young graduates like ourselves more and more experience with computer technology and social media.

If Twitter Is A Work Necessity

Nowadays, it is almost impossible to find someone without a twitter, facebook profile, or any other type of social network profile. This may be because some businesses acutally make it a job requirement to have one of these. Pamela Tate, president and chief executive of the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning, stated that, "If you don’t have a Twitter or Facebook account, then employers often don’t have a way to find out about you." Considering the truth behind this statement, I still believe that having a Facebook or Twitter account can still be harmful to one's reputation in the workplace.
-Kedward Tenorio

Inspections at Apple's Suppliers in China

by June Simms/Steve Ember

This issue is nothing new and dates back to before Steve Jobs's death. The primary concerns are the conditions at Apple's Foxconn factories in China, where there has been a recent string of suicides. These suicides have become so common that nets have had to be hung on the sides of the buildings to prevent employees from taking their own lives. According to the New York Times, laborers must often work seven days a week and stand for so long that they develop trouble even walking. Many laborers have also come to lose use of their hands from repetitive motion injuries that they sustain.
One American by the name of Mark Shields has taken to leading the charge for better working conditions in Apple's factories. Angela Cornell has, too, brought to light the issue of involuntary labor. Even from Apple's own reports there appears to be some problems they are experiencing with the Foxconn factories in China. Apple has most recently called for the Fair Labor Association to conduct an investigation of the factories. If the implications of forced labor is not convincing enough there are also reports of violence against workers.

Stephen Montano

If Twitters a Work Necessity

Twitter, Facebook, and many other social networkings help out by uploading the photos to see if people from all over will like the newly made designs. In Chicago the chief of the council for Adult and Experimaental Learning said digital literacy and social networking is now a required skill. She had also said "They are essential skills that are needed to operate in the world and in the workplace. And people will either need to learn through formal training or through their networks or they will feel increasingly left out.” Social networking is a huge deal in the world, and it is really hard to get a office job without knowing how!

Apple Factory Conditions in China ‘way above’ the normal agency
By Terril Yue Jones
In China some of the Apple Factory works have committed suicide to escape the slave like working conditions at their jobs. Some of the workers are young and come from the rural and start working for the first time in their young lives. They are taken from their rural life styles and moved to an often intense working conditions. These intense working conditions are not something these young people are used to and they often get overly stressed from all of the work that is to be done in the factories. The factories often have no idea that the young workers they hire need emotional support and if they don't recieve the emotional support they are driven to committing suicide.

facebook or Twitter at work?

Facebook and Twitter have become social networking icons for the 21st century. In the last 10 years, businesses have blown up in sales, advertisements have become more seen on the Internet, and more businesses have been created as well because of social networking sites. Social networking sites are very helpful for some businesses, AKA music industry, creative art industry, and other jobs, however some jobs require knowledge of social networking usage. The creative art industry has requirements for Facebook and Twitter knowledge for multiple reasons;

  • Advertising new retail items
  • Advertising other supporting companies
  • Asking the crowd what they would like to see next
  • Selling product online
This is only the creative art industry. There is much more out in the world. As we advance, so does the knowledge requirement for the job opportunity.

Apple factory conditions in China
Technology companies such as Apple are raising their manual labor and environmental stock chains in years. Therefore, Apples initiatives are a trend in electronics. In the audit report Apple says, it will be launched in a few weeks with partners in Washington D.C. FLA (Fair Labor Association) says that it will acknowledge labor and conduct violations and organization steps with other issues at Foxcon technology. No other technology firms have announced third party's.

Apple Labour Conditions

On February 13, 2012, Foxconn admitted Apple into its Fair Labour Association. As of then, the only technological corporation to have gained membership was Apple. In general, Foxconn performs random inspections of factories that belong to its members all over the world. This assures that the Apple corporation is treating all its employees fairly. Apple stands by its supplier responsibility, which assures that the company will respect and uphold labour and human rights, worker health and safety, and that environmental impact is kept to a minimum. Apple released a statement, claiming that “Apple is committed to the highest standards of social responsibility across our worldwide supply chain. We insist that all of our suppliers provide safe working conditions, treat workers with dignity and respect, and use environmentally responsible manufacturing processes. Our actions — from thorough site audits to industry-leading training programs — demonstrate this commitment.”

However, there have been around ten suicides in Apple factories in the last year. When presented with this fact, Steve Jobs said “You go in this place and it's a factory but, my gosh, they've got restaurants and movie theaters and hospitals and swimming pools. For a factory, it's pretty nice”. Recently, Apple has installed nets around Apple factories to prevent these tragic deaths. Apple also stated that “We're trying to understand right now, before we go in and say we know the solution”. Nevertheless, Steve Jobs sticks firmly by his belief of “[it] is not a sweatshop”.


In China, Human Costs are Built Into The Ipad

By Charles Duhigg and David Barboza

Apple is one of the most successful and most valuable companies in the U.S. and in the world. But there has been some negative comments towards Apple factory conditions in China. After a major explosion at one of the Ipad factories in China. Americans were stunned onm how workers were treated in the factories. Some of the conditions are so harsh, many workers have commited suicide. Some of the harsh conditions include long hours, workers having to sleep in crowded dorms, and having to work with harsh chemical waste that hasnt been properly disposed of. There have also been notes of underage workers working in the factories. Apple released a statement stating that these conditions are unacceptable and that the workers need inproved working conditions. Will these statements bacome true?

Posted By Robert Vandiver

Apple Factory Conditions in China

Connie Gugliemo
An investigation was held by Nightline at one of the Apple factories called Foxconn. After going in and seeing the working conditions, masked and gloved workers told Nightline that they handle over 6,000 units each during a 6 hour shift. After more than 12 Foxconn workers killed themselves in 2010, suicide prevention nets were installed at the building. Bill Weir (Nightline correspondent) says, "Their faces are blank as they insert a chip or wipe a screen or plug in a diagnostic cable to hear that everything is “Okay.”" The starting salary at Foxconn is $285 a month, or $1.78 an hour. As of February 22, Foxconn claims that they plan to raise the wage fron 16 to 25 percent which puts the monthly wage to $350 per month. FLA (Fair Labor Association) has started an audit (which Apple is paying for.) The results of this investigation will be posted sometime in March.

Apple factory conditions in China 'way above' the norm:agency

By Terril Yue Johnes

In Beijing, China, the Fair Labor Association (F.L.A.) is studying a report on slave-like conditions and worker suicides at Apple's top eight suppliers. The Foxconn Technology Group believes the suicides are the result of boredom, doing the same thing everyday, and feeling isolated from friends, family, and their community. This organization has been dealing with suicides at Apple plants since the 1990s. Many of Apple's young workers come from rural areas, making the transition from rural to industrial life very difficult. Apple didn't need to join the F.L.A., but it proves the company is serious about fixing these problems. The F.L.A. conducts surprise visits and has complete access to the Apple's factories. They report their findings to the public. But that's not all Apple says: they are supposed to offer safe working conditions. They even have pools, restaurants, and even movie theaters. Explosions, suicides, people working so long they can't stand, teenagers working at age 15 and Apple going out and falsifying records are not safe working conditions to me. Hopefully, Apple gets their stuff together because I absolutely love Apple products. I do not, however, like these stories and the problem needs to be fixed now.

Apple factory conditions in China ‘way above’ the norm: agency

Author: By Terril Yue Jones

The Fair Labor Assosciaton (FLA) is beginning a study of the working conditions of Apple's top 8 suppliers in china, following reports of worker suicides, a plant explosion, and slave like conditions at one of those suppliers, Foxconn Technology Group.
Auret van Heerden, president of FLA offered no imediate conclusions on the working conditions, but he noted that boredom and alienation could have contributed to the stress that led some workers to take there own life

In China, Human Costs Are Built Into an iPad

By Charles Duhigg and David Barboza

According to one factory worker in an Apple assembly line, workers are often put under harsh labor conditions and often dangerous work environments. The workers in the factories are working long hours – sometimes seven days a week. With standing until they can hardly walk, they have to go home to their crowded dorms to wake up and do it over again. One worker stated that there are under-age workers in the factory and most employers have a disregard for workers health. Many suppliers have a disregard for human safety and offer dangerous working conditions with poisonous chemicals used to clean iPads. “We’re trying really hard to make things better,” Stated a former Apple executive. “But most people would still be really disturbed if they saw where their iPhone comes from.”

Anonymous Hacking Group

Anonymous is a group of Internet hackers that steal data and information from people and companies on the Internet. They have attacked many companies including Intel, Sony, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, and other major online companies. They have also tried to attack many American government places including the U.S. Military and gavernment officials. One noteable attack is the attack of the Playstation Network. Many accounts, passwords, credit card numbers, and other information were stolen. This caused the Playstation Network to shut down until the company was able to restore it. Who will they attawck next?

Posted by Robert Vandiver

By Zoe Fox

Apple Factory Conditions in China

By: Charles Duhigg and David Barboza
The company Apple the makers of ipads, ipods, iphones has been investigated by Fair Labor Association. They say they work conditions at the factories in china are bad. In the last year there was two explosions killing factory workers. There also has been a high number of suicide of Apple factory workers in China. They make them work a lot some work seven days a week, Others cant walk cause they worked so much that day. Others cant move there hands because they do tasks for a long period of time.

Apple factory conditions in China 'way above' the norm: agency

By: Terril Yue Jones

Apple is a well known company, but what is going on behind the scenes? The FLA has started studying certain Apple suppliers in China which have reports of worker suicides, explosions and slave-like conditions. The president of FLA has associated alienation and boredom to the worker suicides. He came to this conclusion because when he visited one of the factories he noted that it was "tranquil", "first-class" and "above the norm of garment factories". Obviously the workers are not killing themselves because of slave-like work, but over boredom and alienation (most of them having gone through the transition between a rural lifestyle to an industrial lifestyle); these are the reasons Apple joined the FLA in the first place (even though they did not have to), so that they can help their workers as best they can.