Thursday, March 15, 2012

Apple factory conditions in China 'way above' the norm:agency

By Terril Yue Johnes

In Beijing, China, the Fair Labor Association (F.L.A.) is studying a report on slave-like conditions and worker suicides at Apple's top eight suppliers. The Foxconn Technology Group believes the suicides are the result of boredom, doing the same thing everyday, and feeling isolated from friends, family, and their community. This organization has been dealing with suicides at Apple plants since the 1990s. Many of Apple's young workers come from rural areas, making the transition from rural to industrial life very difficult. Apple didn't need to join the F.L.A., but it proves the company is serious about fixing these problems. The F.L.A. conducts surprise visits and has complete access to the Apple's factories. They report their findings to the public. But that's not all Apple says: they are supposed to offer safe working conditions. They even have pools, restaurants, and even movie theaters. Explosions, suicides, people working so long they can't stand, teenagers working at age 15 and Apple going out and falsifying records are not safe working conditions to me. Hopefully, Apple gets their stuff together because I absolutely love Apple products. I do not, however, like these stories and the problem needs to be fixed now.