Thursday, March 15, 2012

Apple factory conditions in China ‘way above’ the norm: agency

By Terril Yue Jones
This is a topic that many people are interested in and wondering about, so I will do my best to show you what all happens in these Chinese Apple factories.

The Fair Labor Association (FLA)has been investigating the Apple company"s factories in China for some time now. The worst factory in China according to the (FLA) is Foxconn because there a been a deadly explosion and also several suicides at the factory since the 1990s. Since January of last year there have been ten suicides of young people who have jumped from the top of the factories' roofs. Although the FLA and even the CEO of Apple, Steve Jobs, said that the factory is very nice and probably one of the nicest factory's in China it has restraunts, a hospital,swimming pools, and a lot of other nice things. But there are other inspections that say that workers are sometimes forced to work sevens days a week and are sometimes abused at the work place. I hope that I answered any questions you may have about these Chinese Apple factories.

By Isaac Ramirez