Thursday, March 15, 2012

Apple factory conditions in China ‘way above’ the norm: agency

In Beijing, China an Apple factory is pushing the limits of employee safety and working conditions. Apple Inc.’s factory in China has several reports of harsh and unsafe working conditions. The Fair Labor Association (FLA) has initiated additional investigation of the factory’s alleged imperfections. Apple has put out several reports of employee suicide due to the tedious and stressful work they must complete in numerous Apple factories across China.
              The president of the FLA, Auret van Heerden, has determined that the reasoning behind the suicides is unknown, but hypothesizes that it is the result of boredom and isolation the workers face. Along with the boredom and isolation, they must also deal with factory explosions. In May of 2011 there was an explosion in Apple’s Foxconn factory in Chengdu, China.  It tore through walls and sent smoke clouding the sky. The explosion occurred in the region of the factory where the iPads are polished. Two people were killed instantly and over a dozen others were injured.

by: Terril Yue Jones