Thursday, March 15, 2012

Inspections at Apple's Suppliers in China

by June Simms/Steve Ember

This issue is nothing new and dates back to before Steve Jobs's death. The primary concerns are the conditions at Apple's Foxconn factories in China, where there has been a recent string of suicides. These suicides have become so common that nets have had to be hung on the sides of the buildings to prevent employees from taking their own lives. According to the New York Times, laborers must often work seven days a week and stand for so long that they develop trouble even walking. Many laborers have also come to lose use of their hands from repetitive motion injuries that they sustain.
One American by the name of Mark Shields has taken to leading the charge for better working conditions in Apple's factories. Angela Cornell has, too, brought to light the issue of involuntary labor. Even from Apple's own reports there appears to be some problems they are experiencing with the Foxconn factories in China. Apple has most recently called for the Fair Labor Association to conduct an investigation of the factories. If the implications of forced labor is not convincing enough there are also reports of violence against workers.

Stephen Montano