Thursday, March 15, 2012

In China, Human Costs are Built Into The Ipad

By Charles Duhigg and David Barboza

Apple is one of the most successful and most valuable companies in the U.S. and in the world. But there has been some negative comments towards Apple factory conditions in China. After a major explosion at one of the Ipad factories in China. Americans were stunned onm how workers were treated in the factories. Some of the conditions are so harsh, many workers have commited suicide. Some of the harsh conditions include long hours, workers having to sleep in crowded dorms, and having to work with harsh chemical waste that hasnt been properly disposed of. There have also been notes of underage workers working in the factories. Apple released a statement stating that these conditions are unacceptable and that the workers need inproved working conditions. Will these statements bacome true?

Posted By Robert Vandiver