Thursday, April 19, 2012

Facebook Bought Instagram!

Posted by: Om Malik

Facebook bought instagram for nearly a billion dollars in their stock and cash. A few week's ago it was valued to be $500 million dollars, and a few months ago the value for it was around $300 million dollars, and just over a year ago it was valued at an estimate of $100 million dollars. This rising of value in the company was very reflective on the growing of the audience as it has been garnering, despite it only being on the iPhone. The company had reached around 30 million people that were registered before releasing a new Android app, this had been a very big success for the company. The real reason is why did Facebook buy instagram? The real reason why the company did was because, it was an important milestone for Facebook because it was the first-time that they ever acquired a company with so many users. They provide the best in photo sharing experience, and that is the reason why so many people like to use Facebook in their daily lives, and that's the reason why it also brought those two companies together.

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