Friday, March 30, 2012

Student Loan Debt: $1 Trillion and Counting

     Not just me but many students would like to be able to go to college without having to worry about that large debt that comes with the knowledge. Many of the students are stuck with almost $25,000 in debt. These overwhelming money loans are not just from the school but are also from private loans thats students take out that they may not be able to pay back. This could be mainly because students that barrow the money dont have a job to pay it back to the school. Should the students get in trouble for this? I believe partially, yes. Students should be aware of what they are barrowing and how they can pay it back instead of just taking taking taking. A job will do well in the long run because you can pay for your loans in time periods. A person wanting a degree should always think about the cost in getting the degree instead of just the cost of living.