Monday, March 5, 2012

The horror: Android allows apps access to your pictures

     Some of the android devices ask if it can sync with your device including pictures and media. The choice is actually up to the person with the android phone. Though the problem of android accessing your pictures is complicated; this is because people that have an SD card in their phone don’t have to save anything to the phone but instead to the memory card so that the app may not access it. Though if you do not have a memory you may have to save some of your information to the phone which is where android gets all your pictures from. Google says that they are trying to fix the problem that their having about accessing private photos but it is said that the files will be harder to find and more complicated for you and your phone. Personally I think that I’m glad I don’t have an a android phone because that would be that last thing I want is for my photos to end up on the android systems or on commercials. I do think that they should change the problem though because god knows what people put on their phone for the public to put their eyes on