A new protest project launched onto a utube site January 21,2008. The "Anonymous" groups are starting what is called
Operation Chanology, or a protest movement against allowing the practices of the Church of Scientology to be posted or viewed in any way on the internet.Scientology is a 20th century religion based on a combination of related religious beleifs.this church has started a number of organizations that have aided people in drug addictions, including a rahabilitating health prison, and a voluntary study tech. Many beleive that they are a cult that financially defrauds and abuses its members, charging dramatic fees for its spiritual services.The group has been not only protesting this cause but also many other causes all over the world. These anonymous hackers are also all over the world, and are representing nonactive protests against unfair acts in other countries, such as the Mexico drug lords. This group is truly an inspirational organization that will no doubt change the world by fighting for what is right.
Posted by: Starr*