Monday, March 5, 2012

Who is Anonymous? Everyone and no one

Even today there are some forms of what may be called "vigilante justice". This group called Anonymous is a group of individuals that are hackers. They have been a frenzy in the media lately. On Friday, they posted an internal FBI conference call that was said to be confidential. There was also a postage of e-mails said to be from an advisor of the president of Syria, saying that how could Bashar alAssad turn his head while there is violence within the country during the interview with Barbara Walters the summer prior to today. This may be a form of activism through the Internet. Twitter accounts are filled with claimed affiliation with Anonymous. No one can find who or where these individuals may be. It is almost impossible to find the location of their IM addresses. There have been multiple arrests of alleged Anonymous members, and were mostly comprised of teenagers. The group hacks sites through confrontation with multiple computers at a time. Most of their attacks have bees called DDDOS (distributed denial of service).