Monday, February 13, 2012

What's the Difference Between 3G and 4G?

by Liz Patt

3G generally is what we call today's standard of mobile phone technology. When you compare 3G to 4G the next generation technology (4G) is meant to be anywhere from 10 to 100 times faster than 3G currently offers. However, most people have yet to truly realize that 4G is relatively new and mostly in the experimental stage.
AT&T and Verizon have both boasted having 4G services available on their latest smartphones, but in reality Sprint is the only company that actually offers 4G service. Be aware that although Sprint does have two phones capable of 4G service they are limited to metropolitan areas in range of the 4G networks. The majority of their smartphones as well as those offered by others are what we call Pre-4G since most have actually been able to take the leap to 4G. In this way 4G is very limited and not up to the expectations potential customers may have in mind at the time of purchase.

Stephen Montano