Monday, February 13, 2012

Ha Fool You.

What's the Difference Between 3G and 4G?
By Liz Patt

Everyone who has '4G' might consider themselves the whos whos of phone technology, but surprise surprise, it isnt 4G. 4G is suppose to be faster and more efficient than 3G, but while it may be a little faster it all depends on your area. There has to be a 4G signal wherever you are. A 4G phone can drop down to a 3G signial, but why buy a shiny expensive '4G' phone just to use 3G? There is one company that holds true 4G on two moblie phones, Sprint. All other companys have what is called 'pre-4G'. In my opinion, a phone is a phone. If I can call and text im well off. When you buy the best 4G phone out there will be a new 5G phone your gonna want right after, its a continuous cycle.