Monday, February 13, 2012

3G vs. 4G: Real-world speed tests

3G vs. 4G:Real-world speed tests

Posted by: Starr

The newest network upgrade "4G" has become one of the most sought after products as of late, but is it really worth investing in? Experts say, though the 4G network system is faster and holds more data than the older 3G network system, it costs more to get the networking plan, and it  has a tendency to over consume its downloaded data onto your phone, causing you to go over your phones GB limit. Each GB over the limit costs you $10.00.... each. At the moment, there are only about 62 cities that actually have access to the new network, since the plan isn't able to access certain cities in the middle countries, and 15 more expected by the end of the year. You need these three things to get access to the 4G network though. One, a network, two, a device for connecting, and three, a service plan.T-Mobile currently offers an upgraded High Speed Packet Access (HSPA+) 3G network. Sprint's WiMax wireless service in the U.S. is known as Clear and is operated by Clearwire; it's based on the IEEE 802.16e specification. The network provides adequate coverage on the coasts, but it's hit or miss in the middle of the country, and there are 12 states with no Sprint 4G service at all. Meanwhile, Verizon has just launched its own LTE network on a trial basis with limited coverage in 38 cities and 60 airports. The company is expecting the network to be completed by 2013. So, basically, your paying more money for a plan that works just about as good as the 3G plan, taking the risk of having to pay extra for GB's that go over the limit,... for a network system that you cant even access unless your in those certain cities? Hmmm, worth investing in???? Not really.

 Those who think they want the 4G plan, good luck.:) hahaha 

Monday, February 13,2012
By Brian Nadel