Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Google going to far?

By A.J. Jaramillo
This new privacy policy is telling us how they use the informatio they get from people. Most of the people don't even know they are being tracked by google. They send cookies onto your computer to " improve the quality of our service, including for storing user preferences, improving search results and ad selection, and tracking user trends, such as how people search." They also get infromation from you giving it to them. If you sign up for a Google account, you are giving them information. We are able to hide from some of this by going into our settings and control what information that we give them. You can also select what ads might intrest you. Pretty much you have to control the information you give Google. Google Dashboard is a thing that you can look through for Google services. You also can use it to clear out the information you no longer want associated with your account.