Thursday, March 15, 2012

"If Twitter Is a Work Necessity"

Pamela Tate, president and chief executive of the "Council of Adult and Experimental Learning" that is based in Chicago said "Digital literacy, including understanding social networking is now a required skill in the workplace. Pamela Tate stated that "There are essential skills that are needed to operate not only in the world but in the workplace as well." People will either learn through formal training or through their networks or they will feel really left out because people are so computer skilled through technology. Social media is a place for social business, it is a place where your career will be enhanced or degraded, that is, depending on your use of social service. Social media is taking on a prominent role and an example of this is an occupation that is filled with emergency and preparedness. Government and Red Cross officials turned to Twitter and Facebook to get the word out during Hurricane Irene. Social media is where people can interact and get information fast, and easily spread to people across the Internet.

Shantell Saavedra