Monday, March 5, 2012

The Group Anonymous

Anonymous is one group that hack websites and cause general chaos that tends to really get people mad. You can hack a website, releasing a statement saying "Anonymous did it". There is no telling how many 'groups' use this, but since there really is nothing to go by, anonymous is usually referred to as a 'one group'. Anonymous is a very loose organized international movement of online activists. These activists share similar social and political ideas. Anonymous says that is promotes free speech, action to information, and transparency. The group is operated by no controlling leadership, an anarchic. Basically what it is that individuals make their own decisions and protest their ideas to one another via social media. If the ideas and activities gather enough information, then an agreement made, dates for virtual "meetings" and participants proceed to launch a campaign. This campaign is set up to achieve whatever goal they are set out on achieving. This group may be interested in crippling infrastructure ( electrical oil and gas refineries)from the U.S Homeland Of Security.

Shantell Saavedra