Monday, March 5, 2012


Anonymous is a group that attacks corporations and other associate operations. They attack the corporations based off of wrongly accused cases and other things that could pose as a wrong scene to public eyes. Known as "hacktivists" anonymous attacks groups or corporations based off of the corporation's wrong-doing.

Examples of Anonymous's attacks:
  • The Great Habbo Raid of '07 (An Alabama amusement park had banned a two-year-old toddler from using the park' swimming pool because he had aids. anonymous attacked a social networking game site called "". Upon entering the pool on the site, a black screen would appear and there was a sign that said "closed due to AIDS")

  • The PSN hack of 2011 (a boy had used a 3rd party application to modify his Playstation 3, and was arrested and imprisoned for modifying his system. Anonymous took action and hacked Sony's websites, terminals, and the PSN (Playstation Network) in under 20 minutes, in which PSN was down for over 5 months. They also took the credit card numbers, phone numbers, and home addresses of the CEO and other workers and released them to the public. Upon released, the workers received harsh calls, prank called pizza deliveries and pornographic deliveries.)

Anonymous is capable of anything, and they can and will bring down anything they don't agree with. Anyone can join. all it takes is knowing how to hack, how to make proxies, how to use randomizers, how to keep your secrecy strong, and you will need a V For Vendetta mask. suits are optional.