Monday, March 5, 2012


Anonymous, a name many people now know, is a hacking group that is responsible for a lot of things. The most famous one, or at least the one people know about the most is the Playstation Network hacking. After Anonymous hacked it, the Playstation Network was down for quite awhile making sure it couldn't be hacked again. The newest and possible biggest threat is the threat to "kill" Facebook. Because of its security issues Anonymous wants to stop Facebook because they believe Facebook is allowing people to spy on certain things they shouldn't be spying on.. Anonymous is hated by a lot of people, but they aren't all bad. They do things that could be helpful to some people, just in an illegal way. Since anonymous isn't lead by one person and nobody knows who they are, they have been able to do whatever they want and never get caught. Their has one been one mistake a few Anonymous members that got them caught in Latin America. Overall though besides that one mistake, Anonymous has been virtually flawless and is still very wanted.