Monday, March 5, 2012

Anonymous: Hacktivists Take Next Step in "Master Plan"

"Anonymous" is a secret group of computer hackers. This hacktivist group brings down the websites of important companies and corporations, mainly having to do with governments. "Anonymous" is loosely organized, and the clients are very secretive about their identities. Really, anyone can hack into a website, post themselves as "anonymous", and they become part of the organization. Because of their notorious attacks, "Anonymous" often makes news headlines and was even sought after by the FBI. This group is well known for their anti- government campaigns. They tend to expose sensitive or personal data or jam important websites. "Anonymous" has developed Zeus, a type of software or "malaware" that steals logins and passwords from banking websites- which has also hurt the clients of the banks (they claimed to have stolen thousands of credit card numbers). This group has taken millions of dollars from military groups and other government corporations and affiliations nation wide. Recently, "Anonymous" has been playing with the privacy controls on Facebook. This organization has also failed many credit card websites (such as Visa or PayPal) and claims to steal the money from them, and give the money back to the "victims" involved in these programs. In reality, "Anonymous" is hurting everybody. They plan on taking more drastic measures dealing with more important corporations, what they call their "master plan".

By: Olivia Katrandjian