Monday, February 13, 2012

What's the Difference Between 3G and 4G?

By Liz Patt
This article is basically about the different network connection that have came into mobile networks that have changed from an alright connectin to better to fast to faster refering to 1G,2G,3G and now the latest fast 4G that has came out within the new year.
4G is the fastes network connection that has came out it is an advanced network capability to get on the internet working fast.

Who Offers High-Speed 4G Wireless Service?
From Liane Cassavoy

The 4G wireless service is the latest service that has came out since the 3G service
what people are really wanting to know is what cellphone carriers offer this 4G? to answer this question only 3 of the nation wides phone carriers offer 4G and that Verizon wireless, T-Mobile, Sprint

What carries say that they offer 4G but dont?
by Chris Lopez
Through out the world everyone wants the lastest fastes network connection
service 4G and all of a sudden everyone seems to offer it but in all actuality they dont really have the services.