Thursday, March 15, 2012

'Forced to stand for 24 hours, suicide nets, toxin exposure and explosions': Inside the Chinese factories making iPads for Apple

By Mark Duell

Where do you think Apple products are made? Who do you think makes the Apple products? The answer to these questions is simple, it's China. Employees that work for Apple in China have to work long hours, receive little pay, live with other employees in small crowded dorms, and they all work to make the thing people love most; the iPod or iPad (and other Apple products as well). The working conditions in these factories are debatable in some views. The Former Apple Executive stated to the New York Times, "We’re trying really hard to make things better. But most people would still be really disturbed if they saw where their iPhone comes from" So what, is he saying that It may not matter that even if they do make things better, people would still be shocked from where it is made? Well that is not the point. Some employees commit suicide because of the working conditions. There have been explosions in Apple factories that have caused lives, and poisons and chemicals that are used everyday which the employees can breath in to their lungs. These conditions are disturbing and should be taken seriously. Even the media have been looking into these conditions. This affects the employees and even customers who purchase these products. So for the sake of the employees, there should be a solution and soon.