Thursday, March 15, 2012

Apple factory conditions in China ‘way above’ the norm: agency

By Terril Yue Jones
The Fair Labor Association is going to begin a study on the conditions at Apples top eight suppliers in China. Reports say there has been worker suicides, a plant explosion, and slave like conditons for one of the plants, but that is stil better than other conditions at other factories at China. Auret Van Heerden noted that the boredom and alienation could contribute to the stress and lead workers to take their own lives. Van Heerden said, “The facilities are first-class; the physical conditions are way, way above average of the norm.” He also said it is tranquil compaired to the garment factories. The factory has been dealing with suicides since the 1990's. In this artical it it is said that if Apple wanted to take the easy way out they could have gone with other options availiable to them, and that the fact of them joining the FLA (Fair Labor Association) is proof that they want to "raise their game".