Monday, March 5, 2012


Damien Gayle
Suzzanna Hills
started as a Internet meme in 2003 on the image board In the early stages they were taken by a decentralized online community acting anonymously. They usual work towards a self-agreed goal primarily focused on entertainment. In 2008, the Anonymous collective has become more associated with collaborative international hacktivism. They are involved in protests and actions usualy in retaliation to anti-digital piracy campaigns by motion picture and recording industry trade associations. Actions that are credited to anonymous are undertaken by unidentified individuals who apply the anonymous lable to themselves in atribution. Individuals who apear in public from Anonymous usualy wear a Guy Fawkes mask that has been popularized from the comic book and movie V for Vendetta. They have recently declared war on religion. They are hacking and defacing religious websites. Anonymous only retaliates against things, and dosen't attack just because they can.