Monday, March 5, 2012

Anonymous "The Spider-Man of th Internet"

"Anonymous" is a network of individuals that are fixated on allowing the viewing of unlimited information, free speech and the exposure of corrupt companies and organizations to the public. They support anti-corruption activities in other countries. They use their amazing hacking skills to expose corporations that exercise poor business activities and are involved in a significant number of fraudulent and illegal acts.
Anybody can join the “Anonymous” group, you just need to know how to hack, create proxies, use proxies, and protect your identity to avoid accusation and punishment. The “Anonymous” group has stole money from organizations and donated it to charity.

During the S.O.P.A. act the “Anonymous” blocked the government’s websites, they leak the personal information of significant individuals such as leaders of corporations. They provide the public with information that the government doesn’t want you to see.
The main points that this group known as the “Anonymous” group stands behind is freedom to knowledge, anti-censorship and scientology.