Wednesday, February 29, 2012

New Privacy Policy By Google Involving Personal Information

As you may or may not have heard , Google has changed their privacy policy which mostly invloves personal information if you have a Google Account. If you have a Google Account, Google is able to access personal information from a person's account. This includes e-mail, addresses, what u search on the computer, and where u live. The trouble with this is it is basically invasion of privacy of a person. Google says that the reason why they do this is because of the launch of their new social network Google +. Google also gives your personal information to other third party services, which is how they make their profits. One way that you can restrict google from accessing your personal information is to not allow cookies to be sent through your accounts by changing the settings in your browser.
On the Google Dashboard, you can access your information that Google has recorded into thier data systems. You can also remove information that Google has recorded and also look at what you have used on your account.
Personally I think that it is an invasion of privacy because it is your info and no one should have access to it besides you.

Posted by Robert Vandiver