Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Google's new Privacy Policy

     Googles old privacy policy did not go through seperate details like the new policy. Nothing was really explained or outlined and the policy did not say how they were keeping your privacy from anyone who wanted to look you up. Most of the time your information is put about the internet so that anyone can find you. the new policy goes over how the information that people look you up with is what you have already gone over and have probably looked up. This is the information that is stored in the system. Like when you use a phone to contact google your phone infromation may be kept in the system of google becasue thats what you used to access your account. When using the GPS system on google your adress may be saved on the google account becasue google goes around and collects the information that you use. You can now check a box that says whether you want that information to the public. The google dashboard is what controls the information stored in your account. So whether its to much or to little google will check all the information so that I know whether im giving out the right information.