Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Googles new policies

Generally google has revised their old policies to be similar in case of law suits. This means that all they could do before is still in effect. generally nothing has changed besides some minor things. Which means that the world is not going to end because google wants to make your life easier. nothing detrimental is going to come of this new google policy. The people who are paranoid, then, don't use google. Erase your google accounts, so they can't track you if you are that concerned about it. Or you can tell google to restrict certain information. Trust me when I say go Google has better things to do than steal your identity. This new policy is nothing new than what they could do before... Just easier to read. Google dashboard is a copy of the popular OS X dashboard that was released in Tiger. You drag widgets to various places and they have a general purpose. For instance you can have games, new, etc.