Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Google: Policies and Principles

Google tracks you based on what you search. They keep personal information about you that can be shared. When the public started to get angry based on what Google can do, Google is trying to save their company name by putting a new privacy policy into effect.
  1. Google's new privacy is different from its old policies because of how it stores your information. Now, Google will treat you as a single user and store all of your information into one database. Your data will be easier to handle and maintain. Unfortunately, many are concerned over how the privacy policy works. And Google is forcing these services on you whether you like it or not.
  2. To restrict what information Google saves, you can adjust your account settings when signing in to Google to where they can't track you so closely when you're on the Internet or using their other services (wallet, calender, docs, YouTube, etc.) You can also control and review your information on Google Dashboard.
  3. Google Dashboard is a way to view the data associated with your Google account. You can manage and control what information about you goes public online. It's a new way Google has created to manage your privacy.
In reality, Google is very controlling over the Internet. You find yourself using it whether you want to or not. Google can know a lot about you, and not everything they offer is worth using. They force you to use their "provided services" with out you even knowing. Even if this new privacy policy isn't the best, using it can help you manage your information that Google is trying to expose.

By: Google Company