Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Next WoW Expansion Will Be All-Out Panda-Monium

By Jason Schreier

The next World of Warcraft expansion was shown at Blizzcon a few days ago, and they decided to make something that was originally a April fools joke a real thing! The Pandaren was originally a joke in Warcraft 3. You could go to the inn and buy a Pandaren Brew Master as a hero class to help you out. Now Blizzard is adding them to WoW (World of Warcraft). Some people don't like this addition because there is no main enemy like Deathwing or Arthas, but there is a main enemy... your opposing faction! Other people don't like it because they are adding a Panda person race to the game, and they think its silly. But aren't Tauren the walking talking cow people silly also? What about the space goats? I like the Pandaren race, and I look forward to playing the beta since I have signed up for the Blizzard annual pass!