Final Cut Pro is a video editing software, developed by Apple. (Pronounced Final Cut Pro). It is considered a profesional editing software used in many hit movies including Supersize me, and many more. (It was originally released in 1999). Recently Apple has released an update to Final Cut Pro, named Final Cut Pro X (Pronounced Final Cut Pro Ten). Final Cut Pro X was originally looked down upon by some videographers for the lack of a Multi-angle editing feature, which was much anticipated in Final Cut Pro 9. other than that main editors looked down upon Final Cut Pro X because it brought a new-age interface much like Apples iMovie, which videographers didn't like because it didn't retain the rustic, industrial style interface that they have come to know and love. On a more positive note: Final Cut Pro X Features a media browser so you can see any media residing on your Mac. It also features a hover over clip feature that allows a us to drag their cursor over any clip and see in real-time the part of the clip that they are hovering over. Along with many other features, the way you buy Final Cut Pro X is brand new. Normally you would order it off of the Apple Store Website, or walk in and buy it off the shelves of an Apple Store. Now you just open the Mac App Store, search Final Cut Pro X, Click buy, type in your password, and it is automatically downloading to your Mac. Final Cut Pro X is available for $199.00. Apple always strives for a simplistic complexity.